Young investigator Award

ISSPD Early Career Contribution Award recognizes early career scholars who (1) have made contributions in the area of personality disorders and (2) whose productivity and trajectory suggest that they will continue to make notable professional and scientific contributions.  

Eligibility: For this award, early career is defined as within 10 years of the obtainment of a Ph.D., M.D., or similar level degree (e.g., Ed.D., D.S.W) and are expected to be assistant professors of psychiatry or psychology, or the equivalent.

Past Award Winners

2009 – Eric Fertuck, Ph.D.

2015 – Chris Hopwood, Ph.D.

2017 – Katja Bertsch, Ph.D.

2019 – Johannes Zimmerman, Ph.D.

2021 – Lori Scott, Ph.D.; Inga Niedtfeld, Dr. sc. hum.

2023   Annegret Krause-Utz and Christopher Conway

How to apply

Candidates are typically nominated by a mentor, although any member of the society who has collaborated with or is sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work may do so. We are interested in recognizing candidates who have (1) made a notable impact on the field and (2) whose scholarly trajectory suggests continued high impact. Nominations must also include the candidate’s CV. All material must be submitted together.

To nominate for an award, please submit:

  • the name of the award
  • the name of the candidate to be considered for the award
  • the name and position of the person nominating
  • a one page (approx) letter to the ISSPD Board addressing how the candidate meets the criteria for the award and any other reasons for the nomination. It is usual for candidates to be nominated by a peer or mentor with whom they have collaborated thus are sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work to serve as an effective nominator.
  • the full CV of the candidate and their agreement to be considered for the award.

Email nominations to:
c/o Dr Sharon Nelson, ISSPD Secretary/Treasurer

by 30 April 2025.

Title Email: ISSPD Award Nomination

The Board will consider nominations and make a final decision. Winners will be announced at congress in Boston, November 2025.

Past Award Winners

2019 – Lee Anna Clark, Ph.D.

2021 – Marsha Linehan, Ph.D.

2023 – Anthony Bateman

How to apply

Candidates may be nominated by (a) peer(s) or mentor(s) who are a member or members of the society who have collaborated with or is/are sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work to serve as an effective nominator. We are interested in recognizing candidates who have made both important and sustained impacts on the field. Nominations must also include the candidate’s CV. All material must be submitted together.

To nominate for an award, please submit:

  • the name of the award
  • the name of the candidate to be considered for the award
  • the name and position of the person nominating
  • a one page (approx) letter to the ISSPD Board addressing how the candidate meets the criteria for the award and any other reasons for the nomination. It is usual for candidates to be nominated by a peer or mentor with whom they have collaborated thus are sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work to serve as an effective nominator.
  • the full CV of the candidate and their agreement to be considered for the award.

Email nominations to:
c/o Dr Sharon Nelson, ISSPD Secretary/Treasurer

by 30 April 2025.

Title Email: ISSPD Award Nomination

The Board will consider nominations and make a final decision. Winners will be announced at congress in Boston, November 2025.


John G. Gunderson Distinguished Career Contribution Award (established in 2019)

With the passing of John Gunderson, the Senior Career Award was reconceptualized and renamed in honor of John as The John Gunderson Senior Career Award. The reconceptualization focused the award to those who made sustained and lasting contributions to the field with regard to research contributions.


Ken Silk Distinguished Service Award (established 2019)

With the passing of Ken Silk, a long-time Secretary-Treasurer and active board member, the board at the time, led by Steve Huprich established the Ken Silk Distinguished Service Award to honor such contributions more regularly. Thus, whereas The John Gunderson Senior Career Award would focus on those who made sustained and lasting contributions to the field with regard to research, the Ken Silk Award would focus on sustained and lasting contributions to the field with regard to service.

Past Award Winners

2019 – Elsa Ronningstam, Ph.D.

2021 – Sabine Herpertz, M.D.

2023 – Erik Simonsen

How to apply

To nominate for an award, please submit:

  • the name of the award
  • the name of the candidate to be considered for the award
  • the name and position of the person nominating
  • a one page (approx) letter to the ISSPD Board addressing how the candidate meets the criteria for the award and any other reasons for the nomination. It is usual for candidates to be nominated by a peer or mentor with whom they have collaborated thus are sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work to serve as an effective nominator.
  • the full CV of the candidate and their agreement to be considered for the award.

Email nominations to:
c/o Dr Sharon Nelson, ISSPD Secretary/Treasurer

by 30 April 2025.

Title Email: ISSPD Award Nomination

The Board will consider nominations and make a final decision. Winners will be announced at congress in Boston, November 2025.

Past Award Winners

1997    Ted Millon, Ph.D.
1999    John G. Gunderson, M.D.
2001    Erik Simonsen, M.D., Ph.D.
2003    Elsa Ronningstam, Ph.D.
2005    Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.
2007    Sven Torgersen, Ph.D.
2009    John Livesley, M.D., Ph.D.
2011    Larry Siever, M.D.
2013    Ken Silk, M.D.
2015    Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., for scientific contributions and Andrew M. Chanen, M.D., Ph.D, for service contribution
 2017   Mary Zanarini, E.D.

Senior career AwarD

The Senior Career Award was established in 1997 and was awarded to those who had made sustained contributions to the field either in research or in service.


Student poster award

The ISSPD offers a student poster award competition for trainees presenting posters at the congress. During the bi-annual congress, a committee will determine which poster has the most scientific merit. The winner will be announced at during the congress.
Past Award Winners

More information coming soon

How to apply

No prior application is required; all posters will be automatically eligible and judged based on a combination of scientific merit and clarity of presentation. Poster submissions will be open until October 20th.

Past Award Winners

2013 – Chris Hopwood, Carla Sharp, and Michael Kaess

2019 – Johannes Zimmermann, Micheal Hallquist, and  Susan South

2021 – Lori Scott, Inga Niedtfeld, Muirne Papp


Perry Hoffman Awards

Perry Hoffman founded the NEA-BPD and co-created the Family Connections (FC) program. She was held in the highest esteem by her peers, professional colleagues, and the BPD community. Dr. Hoffman was a pioneer in bringing awareness to the suffering and importance of supporting family members of those with Borderline personality disorder and related problems. She was recognized world-wide for her advocacy in the scientific community to build programs to help family members and measure the impact that interventions have on them.

The recipients of an award in her name would share in her legacy and continue to carry on this work.

There are two separate but related awards, each to be given once every two years, with each connected to Dr. Hoffman’s legacy.

To be considered, nominators must send a nomination letter and a resume or CV of the nominee that details relevant information. Up to two additional letters of support and representative papers are allowed.

Award recipients demonstrate excellence in the following:

  1. BPD Community Service Award – to a person with lived experience, family member, or a professional or community organization that contributes consistently to improving the lives of people with BPD and of their families.
  2. BPD Research award – to someone whose research helps us to understand the psychosocial aspects of problems related to BPD or the problems of families with a member with BPD OR someone who develops effective psychosocial interventions to improve the family life of people with BPD.

The following areas will also be taken into consideration:

  1. Collaborative approach that brings together lived experience, family members, clinicians, and researchers.

2. Emphasis on prevention, early diagnosis and/or early intervention, or destigmatizing BPD.

Past Award Winners

2021 – Valarie Porr and the Sashbear Foundation

2023 –  Paula Tusiani-Eng (Community Service) and Andrew Chanen (Community Research)

How to apply

Candidates may be nominated by any person or organization sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s contribution to serve as an effective nominator. Nominations must also include the candidate’s CV. All material must be submitted together.

To nominate for an award, please submit:

  • the name of the award
  • the name of the candidate to be considered for the award
  • the name and position of the person nominating
  • a one page (approx) letter to the ISSPD Board addressing how the candidate meets the criteria for the award and any other reasons for the nomination. It is usual for candidates to be nominated by a peer or mentor with whom they have collaborated thus are sufficiently familiar with the nominee’s work to serve as an effective nominator.
  • the full CV of the candidate and their agreement to be considered for the award.

Email nominations to:
c/o Dr Sharon Nelson, ISSPD Secretary/Treasurer

by 30 April 2025.

Title Email: ISSPD Award Nomination

The Board will consider nominations and make a final decision. Winners will be announced at congress in Boston, November 2025.